Benefits of Placenta Capsules

Benefits of Placenta Capsules

Placenta Capsules

Placentophagy (Eating Placenta)

Eating the placenta is common practice among many mammals. Many women opt for placenta consumption after giving birth. The benefits of eating the Placenta after childbirth may be a contributing factor to this practice. Placentophagy has received a resoundingly positive response based on personal experience. 

Placenta Encapsulation

Placenta encapsulation is the most widely used method for human consumption, but there are a few other options. Many cultures have practiced placenta consumption for centuries, and it has recently become popular in the United States. 

During pregnancy, the body makes a temporary organ called the Placenta. The Placenta is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, including B6, B12, and iron, which help nourish and oxygenate a growing baby. Progesterone and estrogen are abundant in the Placenta.

Methods of Placenta Encapsulation

High Potency Encapsulation

This method preserves more of the Placenta's hormones and nutrients and produces the most pills. Capsules are then made from the powdered Placenta, which is dehydrated at a low temperature to preserve enzymes and hormones. One or two pills a day is the most commonly prescribed dosage. Taking these pills can give women a boost of energy and hormones postpartum and help with postpartum depression.

TCM Encapsulation

Taking inspiration from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), this method involves steaming and dehydrating the placenta, grinding it into a fine powder, and packaging it in capsules. This medication is typically taken in higher doses initially (2 pills 3 times a day) and then reduced over time as needed. Even though it produces fewer pills and necessitates more frequent administration, this service is offered to those who appreciate the original methodology.


Benefits of Placenta Capsules

Placenta encapsulation has proven to be beneficial to mothers, who have reported benefits such as:

  •         Higher levels of energy
  •         Reduced chance of baby blues
  •         Less likely to suffer from postpartum depression
  •         Moods and hormones are in balance.
  •         Increased milk supply and improved bonding with the baby
  •         Pregnancy hemorrhage is reduced
  •         The uterus returns to its pre-pregnancy size more quickly.
  •         Faster weight loss after childbirth
  •         A more rapid and complete return to normal life after delivery.


Scientific Research on Eating Placenta

What Medical Studies Say

There have been two studies in 2016 that examined the contents of encapsulated placentas. To begin with, researchers analyzed 28 placentas that were donated by nonsmoking donors. In this initial investigation, researchers sought to identify the minerals contained within the capsules.

According to the researchers, one-fourth of the recommended daily iron intake for breastfeeding women was found in the placenta capsules. Approximately three ounces of either chicken liver or canned sardines are included in this serving size. Other minerals were only present in very small concentrations.

All of the elements that they tested for toxicity were found to be safe. It's good to know that the placenta capsules don't contain any harmful ingredients. Except for iron, none of the other micronutrients reached sufficient concentrations to affect your health. Researchers examined the placenta capsules for hormones in a separate publication based on the same dataset. They searched for 17 hormones and found that 15 of them were present in all 28 placentas.

Progesterone, estradiol, cortisol, aldosterone, and testosterone were among the hormones they discovered. The hormone concentrations were low overall, but the researchers noted that progesterone and estradiol concentrations could rise to a point where they have physiological consequences. This study, on the other hand, did not examine whether these hormones had any effect. They wanted to see if the hormones were present and found that they were.

The American College of Nurse-Midwives published a new study on placenta encapsulation. It was a small part of a larger randomized trial at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. A large, random, placebo-controlled study is being conducted to see if placenta encapsulation can help alleviate postpartum depression. In February 2017, a small sub-study of a larger study on iron deficiency anemia and if the placenta encapsulation can help alleviate it was published.

There were fit women in this study, and they were told to either take their own Placenta or a beef placebo as a form of pills. It wasn’t possible to differentiate between the two pills because the two pills looked identical. A blinded study was used in this study, which means that neither the women taking the pills nor the researchers administering them were aware of which pills they were taking. Their iron and hemoglobin levels were measured at 36 weeks of pregnancy and again at four days, one week, and three to four weeks after the birth of their baby.

For the first four days of the study, these women were told to take two capsules three times a day, then two capsules twice a day for days five through twelve, and then two capsules once a day for the rest of the study. The study concluded around three or four weeks after birth.

Most of the women experienced a decrease in hemoglobin levels, or a trend toward anemia, around day four following the birth, but their hemoglobin levels rose at one week and three to four weeks in both groups of women after the birth. Both the placebo with beef and the placenta encapsulation groups saw improvements in anemia and iron levels.


Nutrients and Hormones in a Placenta Capsule

Vitamin B6

It's a good source of adrenal function (adrenal glands are what produce hormones). It calms and protects the nervous system and acts as a coenzyme in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, which helps speed up metabolism. It also boosts your body's ability to produce antibodies, which play a key role in fighting disease.

Vitamin B12

Many different types of anemia can be treated with this supplement. It helps your body make new protein and burn fat and carbohydrates for energy.

Vitamin E

It protects against air pollution and other toxins and aids in the recovery of damaged skin cells.


Red blood cells are rich in iron that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of your body. Without red blood cells, your body cannot get enough oxygen, which leads to fatigue.

Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone

Postpartum depression is stabilized, and uterine cramping is regulated after childbirth, thanks to its role in the development of the mammary gland.


Factors Found in Placenta

Key Factors Found Exclusively in Placenta

Placental opioid-enhancing-factor

Reduces pain and acts as a treatment for chronic pain by stimulating the production of your body's natural opioids, including endorphins.

Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (CRH)

Regulating CRH can help prevent depression and acts as a supplement for anxiety.


Placenta Capsules

Vitamin Placenta

Vitamin Placenta is a placental product made in the USA for men and women. It is composed of porcine placental extract and is made in a GMP facility. Furthermore, this product is ISO certified for safety, efficacy and consistency. If you want the best placenta pills available then Vitamin Placenta was made for you!



 Young, S. M., Gryder, L. K., David, W. B., et al. (2016). Human placenta processed for encapsulation contains modest concentrations of 14 trace minerals and elements. Nutrition Research 36(8): 872-8.

 Young, S. M., Gryder, L. K., Zava, D., et al. (2016). Presence and concentration of 17 hormones in human placenta processed for encapsulation and consumption. Placenta 43: 86-9.

 Gryder, L. K., Young, S. M., Zava, D., et al. (2017). Effects of human maternal placentophagy on maternal postpartum iron status: A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled pilot study. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health 62:68-79.



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